Everything Wrong With
Total Drama Equestria
by JusSonic

Episode Seven: Aftershy

(Not that it matters...)

We see a flashing logo on the screen before a title appears with the three letters 'TDE' and the last word underneath it...'Aftermath'.

Aftermath. Just a fancy way to say "recap episode". Or "filler episode", whichever floats your boat. At least this will help me pick up some sins I missed from the last six episodes. *Ding!*

Chris took a deep breath as he sighed, "Come on guys... you've all been fellow competitors for years... friends of mine, even. We've been through thick and thin. I don't want any of you to think it's just another Total Drama season, just to get more fame."

Shut up Chris, you know you're doing it for the ratings. *Ding!*

"Come on! Are you going to believe me or that Mary Sue?"

Twilight growls angrily as her horn glows.

Oh oh. Now you fucked up! *Ding!*

"At least you have me to keep you sane!" Heather imitated in her cat voice as she moved Regina.

I'll say it again. You're talking to a stuffed cat! And it's not like it can talk back, you're the one doing that! *Ding!*

(Clips from Episode Six)

Yeah... can we just skip episode 6? I don't feel like going back to that mess again. *Ding!*

We see an intro like in every seasons of Total Drama as well as 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'.

Yeah... let's just skip this too. *Ding!*

We see the same logo again then appears in a crowded gym where a group of kids are cheering. A set has been made ever since the new unofficial season of Total Drama Equestria has begun. And there's Geoff, sitting there, grinning to the folks.

"Yo, hey folks, what's up? Geoff here! You remember me from the first and second seasons of Total Drama...and the unofficial season!" Geoff exclaims eagerly.

Geoff, I like ya, and I'm gonna let ya finish, but I got a lot of Total Drama to catch up on. *Ding!*

"And coming back after being absent for 2 seasons is my Aftermath Show! How about that band Flash Drive? Give it up, folks!"

The audience applauds as the band, especially Flash Sentry, smiles as they wave to the crowd.

Flash Sentry. *Ding!*

Geoff grins as he continues, "We got some new changes. First off, the co-host! Bridgette is still playing the game...speaking of which, good luck, Bridge! I'm rooting for ya!"

Geoff then glares as he continues, "And there's no way in Hell am I letting Blaineley back on here!"

Don't worry about her, she's still on a wild goose chase! *Ding!*

The player smiles while continues, "so joining me for this is a special co-host: DJ rock girl, DJ Pon-3!'

The crowd cheers as we see the human version of a familiar DJ pony who smirks while saying, "Oh yeah! This stage is gonna be mine!"

Hey, hey, hey, she's not supposed to speak! Stick to the script! *Ding!*

"Also, for those who are curious, we are not broadcasting from my usual broadcasting set...that's because Chris has it torn down for something, I don't know!"

Does that have anything to do with Pahkitew Island? *Ding!*

"Instead, we're filming this in...you got it...from the world of Equestria Girls, where Princess Twilight Sparkle once went to to get her crown back! Here's a clip!"

Clips from Twilight's journey to this parallel human world are seen. The audience cheers on especially for Twilight and the Main Six's song. Once it's over, the crowd applauds.

Oh, you actually wanted to know about that? Well, better go and read JusSonic's other stuff then!

Oh wait, it got taken down, didn't it? *Ding!*

"Also, for some moral support, we got the Main Six here to hang with!" Geoff exclaims, laughing as we see six human girls (and 1 purple dog) sitting in a stand, three in the front seat and three in the back. Geoff introduces the ones in the front first. "First off, there's the recent Princess of the Fall Formal, well thanks to pony Twilight, Twilight Sparkle!"

Human Twilight waves to the crowd with a smile while petting her pet dog Spike.

FYI, this is not Sci-Twi. Well... it is, but it isn't.

Hey, don't look at me! It's his story! *Ding!*

Pinkie soon somehow jumps from her position, did a front flip and lands near Fluttershy who spoke, "Wow. You made quite an entrance."

"Like how me and Izzy did!" Pinkie exclaims happily.

Pinkie, please, stick to the script. I know you read it ahead of time. *Ding!*

"Indeed, we will bring out these guys in time, but until then, we have plenty to talk about." Vinyl Scratch smiled. "Like never before seen clips that never made it on the show's first six episodes..."

Oh boy, more sinning material. *Ding!*

"But right now, let's start off by talking about the first episode of the series, which was called 'Friendship is Total Drama Part 1: Humans in the Ponies'." Vinyl smiled. She then frowned as she looked at the title, "Humans in the Ponies, what the hell does that mean?"

You're asking me, Vinyl? I've stopped making sense of these titles a long time ago. *Ding!*

"Anyway, nobody was eliminated that episode, but we did learn of many things... one, never trust a flyer that says 'Free car', otherwise, you'll be gassed and turned into ponies."

Lesson learned, don't trust the tax industry. *Ding!*

"Yeah, I can't believe ALL of you fell for that trick!" Vinyl said as Geoff chuckled nervously, everyone was laughing.

Vinyl would be great at Cinemare Sins. *Ding!*

The Total Drama cast sat in their chairs in boredom. It's very obvious that there is no car. Chris has tricked them...for yet another show; Boy, is he going to get it.

Just then, a familiar Goth girl came in, saying, "Okay, here for the..." The girl then saw the others sitting, looking bored or seeing her. She frowns while groaning, "Aw, no!"

"Say, I should do a tally!" Izzy exclaims, taking out a notepad. "Whoever get the less no's, wins!"

Wins what, Izzy? Come on, I know you can pull something out of your ass. *Ding!*

"And what are you doing here? I thought you were in jail." Gwen said to Duncan in suspicion. She could've sworn that her ex was send to prison for blowing up Chris's mansion.

"Yeah, here's the funny part...the big house I was send to was the one that belongs to me!" Duncan remarks to Gwen with a wicked grin.

"You own a prison?" Eva asks Duncan with an arch of an eyebrow.

Why am I not surprised, really. *Ding!*

"Say, does anyone notice how the ones who got send to the sun are here?" Mike ask the others, noticing how some of the ones here like Sam, Jo, Scott, Lindsay and Sierra are here and not in the sun when Chris wasn't able to get them down in time.

"Maybe we got lucky!" Lindsay exclaims happily.

Or maybe it was a Discord-Ex-Machina. Just a hunch. *Ding!*

Back in the stereo, the audience laughs a bit. Geoff remarks, "Whoa! Sounds like someone's in love with himself."

"I must agree. The big barbarian will never get anywhere with me." Rarity said to Geoff while sitting back in her seat.

"Yeah; He reminds me of someone, don't know what that is." Rainbow remarks a bit.

"Like yew?" Applejack asks Rainbow with a smirk.

Ooooooooooh! *Ding!*

"Roll the next clip, Smokey!" Vinyl called out.

"Who's Smokey again?" Pinkie asked her friends confused.

It's not the bear, right? *Ding!*

The audience applauds a bit, especially the hosts. Fluttershy said shyly, "Wow. Who knew that Chris female clone would be a pony lover?"

"'Chris female clone' is right!" Rainbow comment to her friends as Applejack looks on. "Those two deserves each other."

"Like Boris the Animal and Trixie the Loonymoon." Rarity jokes a bit, making the audience laughs.

Hey, it's just Boris! *Ding!*

The filly got on her second bed, holding up a little donkey doll with her mouth. "Look, this was mommy's Miss Smartypants when she was a foal. Now the doll's mine!"

*looks at notes* Doesn't Big Mac still have that doll? *Ding!*

Mike laughs a bit at Nyx's little show. The stallion calms down, saying, "So wait; you mention bad things before, right; How, with an innocent pony like you?"

"Oh, a long story," Nyx speaks through the kazoo as she kept on playing her little tune. "I prefer not to speak about it."

Want to know about it? Better go read someone else's story then! *Ding!*Seriously, not even giving credit...

"Ah yes, Ezekiel was a great player to have around!" Vinyl Scratch laughed. "More on him later, though. Right now, let's see what else we can dig around."

"Like the many alliances to take out the Final Two of each season?" Geoff frowned. "Well, let's see who of the Final 2 of what season has been eliminated so far..."

Well, that saves me the trouble of playing catch-up. *Ding!*

Everyone laughed as the clip ended. Twilight blinked as she muttered, "Almost like the Sherman Brothers..."

"Or Abbott and Costello," Rainbow muttered.

You aren't in our world, cut it out you two. *Ding!*

Noah sighed as he looked up to the sky. In truth, he was concerned about that missing month too, but he wanted to keep focus on the game for now. Maybe it'll come later at a very appropriate time...

Appropriate? Yes. For you? No. *Ding!*

"Anyway, the episode ended just as the first challenge was being announced." Vinyl said. "With that said, let's see what comments our lovely viewers have sent."

Geoff nodded as he pushed a button. "Okay, our first comment is from a mister Jose Ramiro, and it says..."

I love how you're juggling all the characters. Not easy with such a large cast.

"Thanks for the support, Mr. Ramiro." Vinyl smiled.

"Yes, forty people do seem to be a hassle to work with, but I'm sure in the end, it'll be worth it." Pinkie shouted from the audience.

Considering this is JusSonic we're talking about here, that's a feat in and of itself. *Ding!*

"Next comment comes from a Mr. Toonwriter..." Vinyl paused.

"Wait a minute, why is one of the co-writers commenting on his..." Pinkie started.

"Don't bother asking." Twilight sighed.

Yes, Pinkie, this story stopped making sense a long time ago. *Ding!*

Everyone applauded as... only a very peeved Jo came on. Vinyl was confused as she whispered to Geoff, "Uh, where IS Blaineley, exactly?"

"I don't know! She wasn't there when we arrived in..." Geoff groaned. "Oh wow, don't tell me she is STILL falling for that stupid trick that Celestia and Luna made up just to get rid of her..."

"Let's turn the cameras to the real world and see..." Vinyl said as everyone turned their heads towards the screens.

(Back in the real world, somewhere in Germany)

In the mountains of Germany, Blaineley was climbing up the mountains as she was getting near to what seemed to be a house. A large bear came crawling over... but Blaineley punched the bear square in the face.

Blaineley smirked as she said, "Going to get those badges for Chef... focus on those badges for Chef!"

Got to admire that woman. Sin deduction for determination. (And no, no Undertale joke for you.) *!gniD*

"Yeah! I mean, things started out good with Izzy's team winning the Elements challenge, making us new homes. We got to fit in and that." Geoff remarks with a chuckle. "And then, boom! You started to be a big bully to poor little Nyx!"

"Right, I mean, check out this text message." Vinyl said as she reads a comment...

Um, dude? You are portraying Jo all wrong. She has boundaries, and she also has a heart and feelings, too. If anyone should have the bitch role, it's Heather.

"Whoa, like what is that?" Geoff asked in surprise and amusement.

"So I have a rough time being a pony." Jo scoffs a bit. "How do you like being in a pony role that makes ya want to buck someone in the fact?"

Sure Jo, try to be explain being out of character now. *Ding!*

"This game is going to be a bit cute. Let's see how far you can hang with Nyx without smiling." Vinyl chuckles a bit. "If Nyx's cuteness doesn't make you smile, you can leave."

"That Mary-Sue will never make me smile." Jo snapped rudely, "In fact, I think she's better off barbecued!"

Jo still wants to kill Nyx for some reason.

I don't mind. *Ding!*

The audience boos a bit. Jo roll her eyes while saying, "Awww, boo yourselves! Okay, so I made stupid mistakes, big whoop! It's over, move on, folks!"

Sure Jo, try to be explain being out of character now. </sarcasm> *Ding!*

"But my, you were...cheating in the events. How mean." Fluttershy said to Jo in concern.

Were you watching the same show we were, Fluttershy? It's Total Drama, it's par for the course. *Ding!*

"Hey, it's in the spirit of the game, what did you expect?" Jo asked with a scoff. "Not my fault those girl princesses wouldn't let me get away with it."

"Ahem. Those 'girl princesses' have human selves who are the principal and vice-principal here, Miss Jo." Twilight reminds Jo with a smirk, making the girl glare at the human version of the Alicorn, "Just saying."

You don't want to get expelled, do you Jo? Because trust me, that's worse than getting eliminated from Total Drama. *Ding!*

"King Sombra, current data; an evil tyrant king that tried to make the Crystal Empire a world where he rules by dominance and power while treating his subjects as slaves." The computer voice from the book spoke of this enemy for all to know about. "After his defeat when the Crystal Heart was returned to banish him bad to the Frozen North, all other data remains unknown. The past that tells how he became evil is unknown." It explained the characteristics of this foe, but also described how much there is a mystery to him.

Better go read some comics then. *Ding!*

*normal* But seriously, what's with the villains?

Geoff blinked as he said, "Villains? We have no idea what you mean...?"

"I'm a little confused on that. Maybe the audience saw something we're not seeing?" Vinyl blinked. "Unless they're talking about Twilight's book of enemies, in which case, we already have that covered."

You watched the episodes yourselves, right? So you know the bad guys know the truth, right?

Right? *Ding!*

"Okay, I'm here." Alejandro frowned. "So, how about we talk about Heather, and who her boyfriend is?"

"We don't have that information, Alejandro! We keep telling you this!" Geoff frowned.

Is he still on this? Seriously. *Ding!*

"So Al...can I call you Al?" Geoff teases Alejandro, knowing that the villain hate that nickname.

"No." Alejandro growls angrily at Geoff.

"Okie dokie lokie, Alvin," Pinkie exclaims happily, making the audience and her friends laugh at the new nickname.

"How dare you name after that squeaky rat," Alejandro shouted angrily.

And somehow that's worse that calling you Al? I know you have family issues, but come on now. I find that a compliment. *Ding!*

"Any of you want any?" Vinyl asks the guests with a smile.

"Nah, I'm good." Jo remarked, holding up a bottle of Fizzy Apple Cider.

"Trying to cut down," Cameron remarks meekly.

"No... but I don't mind if Miss Drops were to stay around." Alejandro said slyly to the glaring Sweetie Drops. "I got to say, your hair makes the rest of you all so fabulous and your eyes are like a dew..."

Before Alejandro could finish, Sweetie Drops angrily hits him in the face, making the villain scream in pain. She scowls, "Eeew! What are you a pervert?!" The girl storms off, "Jerk!"

She's already taken, Alvin. *Ding!*

"I still can't get over the fact that Owen is all nude now, even though he is a pony." Gwen said to Trent uneasily.

"Yeah, let's not think about that." Trent remarks with a nervous chuckle.

God damn, now I can't take the picture of a naked Owen out of my head. Thanks guys. *Ding!*

"Hey! Come on. It's in the nature of the game, get over it!" Alejandro scowls angrily as he scowls his arms.

"We can't, you're still living." Rarity teases a bit.

"I'm still trying to figure out who Heather's new boyfriend is!"

Are you still on this?

Seriously. *Ding!*

"Okay! We're going to ask you questions about TDWT and you got to tell the truth...or else." Geoff said with a smirk. "Oh, I love this part!"

"Can we just skip-" Alejandro started.

"No." Geoff frowned.

Yeah, I want to know this too, saves me the trouble of playing catch up! *Ding!*

"So, basically, Chris made an illegal alliance BEFORE Blaineley did the same thing..." Pinkie noted.

"Speaking of which, wonder how Blaineley's doing...?" Geoff said as he pushed a button to check on her.

(Back in the real world, near Germany)

Blaineley was smiling as she had arrived at a place that was labeled 'Chef's Summer Home'. She smirked as she ran inside.

Okay. Didn't see that one coming. *Ding!*

"Back on topic... who did win Total Drama World Tour? Did the rigging succeed, or did it fail?" Pinkie said.

"Nobody remembers that!" Alejandro frowned.

Pinkie paused... as she used her party cannon to blast Alejandro to the wall.

"I WASN'T EVEN LYING!" Alejandro screamed.

"No, you were telling the truth. But I had an itchy trigger finger, so I had to blast you." Pinkie smiled.

You know, there's an alternate universe where the opposite person won World Tour... just saying. *Ding!*

"I still want to know who Heather's new boyfriend is!" Alejandro muttered as he went to his seat. "I mean, whoever this guy is, I am not standing for this!"

Are you still on this?

Seriously! *Ding!*

Everyone in the audience merely groaned, with only a few people applauding, Geoff blinking in confusion. "What's wrong with Duncan?"

"Nothing; He's a good guy, but sheesh!" Twilight said. "I mean, it's like being fed a bowl of nails instead of cereal. Watching anything that's Duncan related is painful for us..."

"Not to mention the fact that in the past seasons, Duncan's been getting a lot of screentime." Rarity sighed. "Don't get me wrong, the All-Stars season was pretty good, because Duncan was hilarious, but anytime that Duncan was in Action or World Tour, it was just... cringingly awful. People had Duncan near the bottom of their lists on Deviantart just because they don't like how he was portrayed."

"I've seen those lists." Geoff sighed.

I have not. I guess I haven't spent enough time on DeviantArt. *Ding!*

"Well, it looks like we'll be taking a look at Episode 4...which should be called the 'Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2' chapter, because that's what this chapter is really all about." Vinyl pointed out.

I still think this a reference to something... it's in the tip of my tongue but I can't figure it out. *Ding!*

"Indeed." Geoff laughed. "Seeing something musical in every episode, it almost felt like World Tour again... we should definitely do a song here sometime on the show..."

"Please don't." Alejandro groaned.

Yes please don't. I'd like one episode without a song for once. *Ding!*

"Don't worry, I got something prepared after the summary of Episode 4 AND the musical numbers that are being talked about..." Geoff smiled.

"Updaters of the TVTropes page, this is going to be a big update..." Pinkie muttered.

Like I said to your pony self Pinkie, you can't tell me what to do. *Ding!*

Twilight was interrupted when her cell phone begins to ring.

"Twilight, is that your cell phone?" Fluttershy ask Twilight puzzled. "Wasn't it supposed to be off?"

"I left it on in case my brother Shining needs me for something. Now who could possibly be calling me?" Twilight ask, frowning as she took her cell phone out and answers it,"Yeah? What? Okay, hang on." The girl looks up speaking, "Hey; Folks? Hugh Buttz? Folks, is there a Hugh Buttz in the studio today?"

We interrupt Total Drama Equestria to bring you The Simpsons. *Ding!*

The audience laughed at this before Twilight realized what was going on as she frowned in annoyance.

"What the...?!" Twilight yells as she can hear Duncan and Pony Rainbow's voice on the other end before they end up.

"Don't look at me!" Human Rainbow remarks with a smirk as she sat in her seat. "I was here the whole time!"

"Not me this time" cliché. *Ding!*

We see clips being shown of Geoff and Bridgette making out, though discovered by some of the ponies, especially the girls. Audience gasps or laughs at the bits.

Sunset Shimmer glares from off-screen, looking at one clip and saying, "There's no way a pony can get into that position."

You would know, Sunset. You're a pony too. *Ding!*

"Anyway, then there's the challenges that were taped. During those times, in the first one for the Ground Ponies, their video got messed up thanks to Lindsay's bad editing." Vinyl explains the details to the crowd, "BUT! We got some good news! The tape has been restored, fixed and with no scratches on it."

You shouldn't have been editing on a 3DS in the first place. *Ding!*

Everyone gave applause as some people just groaned. Geoff, hearing the applause, frowned. "How come Heather's episodes get a pass?"

"Well, because she played the game." Twilight said. "You can't deny that Heather played this game well, no matter how... unorthodox it was."

"Besides that, for some odd reason, Heather is everyone's favorite player on Deviantart. You should really look at those lists..." Pinkie Pie mentioned.

I really should apparently. I'm so out of the loop on this. *Ding!*

All the way in the bathroom, Alejandro was busy throwing up as he said, "What universe is making me sick to prevent me from seeing whatever embarrassing secret Heather has?"

The United Pony of Goodness Universe, of course. *Ding!*

In another world, someone was sitting near his desk, humming a little as he was typing in, "Alejandro gets sick throughout the whole Heather's secret thing and thus Alejandro never learns the secret." The guy smiled as he said, "Oh yeah, I'm a jerk; A good jerk."

Creator cameo. *Ding!*

"Now, the next episode put my darling Bridgette in a major depression." Geoff explained.

"Right, Geoff, your girl became a total drama queen." Brady remarks to Geoff with a chuckle.

Roll credits.

Even if it's unintentional it still counts. *Ding!*

"At least you have me to keep you sane!" Heather imitated in her cat voice as she moved Regina.

Again, stuffed cat! No, I will not shut up about this! *Ding!*

"So Heather is trying to hide her stuffed cat." Twilight remarks in amusement. "She doesn't have to be ashamed of it. I still got a stuffed bee from my own childhood days."

Yeah, and I got my sister's Smartypants toy!" Nyx remarks happily to the camera.

*looks through notes in confusion* Doesn't Big Mac have that doll?

Yeah, I know, alternate universe and all that, but still. *Ding!*

"In fact, to help us dwell into the 'mind' of Heather, here is former bully and enemy, now friend of Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer!" Geoff exclaims as the audience applauds somewhat.

Sunset came over, sitting in a chair. Owen chuckles as he eats a sandwich, "Whoa, another Heather."

I'm sorry Owen, but how does Sunset look like Heather again? Act yes, but look? *Ding!*

"So Sunset, how are things since your recovery from bring the bad guy minion of the Superior?" Geoff asks Sunset, curious as to how she was since the unicorn turned human was now freed from the Superior's hold.

"Oh, everything's fine now, thanks." Sunset replied, "I'm just glad I'm on a journey to redemption. I just wish I could go back to Equestria sooner."

This takes place before Rainbow Rocks, by the way. *Ding!*

"Say, couldn't help but notice how you and Heather seems to be alike." Jo remarks in amazement at Heather.

"That's a bit scary." Cameron said sheepishly. "Perhaps someday you would participate in a game like Total Drama."

"Only in another alternate universe, kid," Sunset remarked to Camera in amusement.

Is there another story like this that I don't know about? Because I'm not sinning that one. *Ding!*

"Any comments on a possible road to redemption for Heather herself," Vinyl ask Sunset curiously.

"As a matter of fact, I believe I do see it happen for Heather." Sunset replied, "Why, perhaps she could have a look at a video that is about repentance. That video made by TonyWDA, that is. I got a look at it, and it gave me a vast improvement of redeeming myself."

Is that an actual video? I should look it up. *Ding!*

"Speaking of boyfriend, and hope you don't mind, any boys you got your eye on for some time since your reform?" Vinyl asks Sunset curiously, making the audience go 'oooh' at this.

"Well... there is this one boy." Sunset replied as she blush a bit, "And I hope there's a pony version of that boy back in Equestria."

"I think we all know who that is." Pinkie said, the audience laughs as they see a blushing Flash, rubbing the back of her head.

"Well, that and someone else, but that's another story." Sunset explained.

Just by the by, Sunset is bi. I think you can connect the dots on this one. *Ding!*

"And of course, while Heather is performing some sort of change, love is in the air, between Katie and Noah." Geoff remarks with a smile.

About that, Noah is going to have that crush later during the Ridonculous Race. Are we just going to ignore that? Owen brings up how Noah never had a crush on anybody before then, and this clearly takes place before then!

I mean, Geoff is quick to bring up how he couldn't bring Bridgette with him to the race. *Ding!*

"Well, Sierra was being paranoid and psychotic when she keeps thinking Cody and Sadie have a relationship." Cameron remarked.

"Yes, stalkers can be a bit irritating." Twilight remarks dryly. "I mean, my friends told me how my pony self got lusted for by Boris the Animal."

It's just Boris! *Ding!*

In a third clip, when Twilight threw the book at Discord's head, he yelps as some blood came from his nose. The former villain screams, "I'm bleeding! Am I bleeding? Oh, someone get a doctor! I'll sue!"

Don't worry, Discord. I know a good lawyer or three. *Ding!*

"In the end though, everything goes crashing downhill when Noah and Cody discover Lyra's body... but that's not important, let's move on." Vinyl said before she pushed the scene aside.

That is important, Vinyl. The United Pony of Goodness Universe needs to be built, after all. *Ding!*

"Now, to the comments," Vinyl smiled. "Our first one is from Charming masquerade and it says..."

loved how all of Lindsey's stuffed animals are villagers from animal crossing:pinkiehappy:, I think some of them if not all of them are from Chuggaaconroy's lets play of new leaf right?

"Uh, who," Geoff said.

"I think they're talking about YouTube players from other dimensions..." Vinyl said.

Yeah, that's why I didn't bring it up. That would have been way too obvious, even for Cinema Sins. *Ding!*

Lindsay then started moving her monkey stuffed animal as she started to say, "And now, for my latest plans on world domination! Our new mayor will NEVER figure it out; Cheeky!"

I knew that monkey was evil! I told them, they said they didn't believe me! *Ding!*

Lindsay then pulled out some type of doll that looked like a red plant figurine with a leaf attached to it. "WAH WAH!"

Wait a minute, there aren't any Pikmin amiibo yet! (get on that nintendo kthxbai) *Ding!* Oh, and by the way, there's a major difference between what Lindsay's doing and what Heather's doing. Here... well, they're toys. You're supposed to play with them. With Heather... she's talking to a stuffed cat! I mean, c'mon now!

No, I will not shut up about this! *Ding!*

"Well, that was interesting to see..." Vinyl said. "Well, let's move on to the last episode that just previously aired!"


"Yeah, shame Orange manages to make things worst! Toonwriter wanted to use a very harsh version that line in case Sierra was eliminated!" Pinkie exclaims happily.

Cut it, Pinkie. *Ding!*

"Ha ha ha; that was so awesome! I must've played that scene on my computer 100 times!" Rainbow exclaims with a mad laugh at the scene.

Did the clickbait work? *Ding!*

"Yeah...then things get more interestingly when Chris assigns the boys on dates." Vinyl remarks as Geoff drinks some Fuzzy Apple Cider. "We got Mike with Zoey, Trent with Gwen, Duncan with Courtney, Harold with Leshawna, Tyler with Lindsay, Sam with Dakota, B with Dawn, Noah with Katie..."

"Saw that one coming." Rarity said with a smile.

Again, are we just going to ignore the fact that Noah will have a crush later during the Ridonculous Race? *Ding!*

While most of the players are in the other world, the ones in Ponyville are having a bit of fun. Gwen/Trent and Duncan/Courtney are with Twilight/Ben as they arrive at the movie theater.

"So what's playing?" Gwen asks Twilight curiously.

"Oh, it's a new classic thing: Pony Puppets Most Wanted!" Twilight excitedly answered. "I wait all this time to see it."

Oh, I really wish you didn't bring this clip up again. *Ding!*

"You know, Izzy, we should really thank you for everything you did." Bridgette smiled.

"What did I do?" Izzy said.

"The whole thing with the chalk drawing, us going inside it," Lindsay said.

"What are you talking about? That's just insane!" Izzy frowned, as if not remembering what had happened with them.

"What?" Sadie said in shock. "But... we all went through the portal! We were on dates, most of us! The boys know! You know, you and Pinkie did that insane thing with the dancing and jumping into the painting!"

Izzy blinked. "Now that's just crazy! Me, prancing around in a painting; this is reality! Where have you guys been?"

As the clips ended, we see everyone just confused as they tried to find what words to say... what did they see?

"Was this real?" Twilight asked, turning to Pinkie.

"Oh come on, you can't be serious!" Pinkie laughed as Twilight was now EVEN MORE CONFUSED!

That's it, I give up! *Ding!*

"Well, we only have a few more minutes before we can conclude our show, so let's see if we can wrap up the show, and see what we missed..." Geoff said.

"We never did mention the musical numbers in this story..." Vinyl said.

"Oh you bet! Almost like what World Tour did!" Geoff said. "Let's see, what songs have been done?"

Everyone turned towards the screen...


Let's Conclude Our Little Show - Sung by Everyone

Wait, I don't remember you singing any song yet...

Geoff smiled as he said, "A lot of songs, including the one we're going to sing in about a few minutes!"

Oh come on, can we not have one episode without a song for once? *Ding!*

"Now everybody whistle!" Geoff nodded as the music suddenly started to tense up as everybody was starting to whistle the tune now.

In fact, everybody was whistling so hard, they started to fly around... which shocked everyone. Nearby, Discord was whistling a bit as he was whirling his fingers around, just laughing as he watched the sight.

Wait, which Discord is this again? *Ding!*