Everything Wrong With
Total Drama Equestria
by JusSonic

Episode Two: Friendship is Total Drama Part 2: Eliminations of Harmony


Chris: Last time, on Total Drama Equestria: Your favorite or least favorite contestants return to play in an unofficial season of Total Drama...whatever they want to or not.

C'mon Chris, you're making sound like they didn't have a say in the matter. Which they technically did not, but still don't make that so obvious. *Ding!*

Chris: After changing them into ponies via something out of Conversation Bureau and divide them into 4 teams of 10s, we send them all to Ponyville to meet with the old locals.

I don't know much about the Conversion Bureau, but those transformations did not seem graphic enough for Conversion Bureau stories. *Ding!* Also, Conversion Bureau. *Ding!*

Chris: Mike meets Nyx, a filly who has a dark past as he did. (Coughs) Mal! (Cough)

Thanks Chris, I think we've figured that part out by now. *Ding!*

Chris: Also, there seems to be someone blowing up ponies' houses in the Everfree Forest. Eh, not important.

What are you talking about, Chris? That is important. The United Pony of Goodness Universe needs to be built, after all. *Ding!*

Chris: Heather has a stuffed kitty. Awww...

This is also going to be important later. That is when JusSonic decides to just fuck it and rip off another cartoon. *Ding!* Also, if the other contestants are right there, how did they not just hear Chris say that Heather has a stuffed cat? *Ding!*

In the Everfree Forest, some of the contestants wait impatiently as Sam snaps, "Hey! Can we start now?!"

"In a minute," Chris calls over to Sam as he continues speaking to the camera.

Chris is too poor to get anything but a live recap, yet he still gives out millions every season. I am assuming the budget of Total Drama is not a million dollars per episode. *Ding!* Then again, with a live recap Chris can not push the recap itself off a cliff. What am I talking about, that is definitely something Chris would do. *Ding!*

We see an intro like in every seasons of Total Drama as well as 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'.

Theme. *Ding!*

"Generations ago, my sister and I were young fillies, the daughters of the Princess Ponies which you had read about in Megan's books. Megan took care of us..."

When did Megan come into the picture again? *Ding!*

Celestia roll her eyes as she continues, "We try to use the Rainbow of Light to beat him but he broke it. So we got it repaired, make two sets for me and my sister, and use the Elements for a new source of power, using them to defeat Discord."

I call bullsh*t on that. Celestia and Luna clearly got the Elements from the Tree of Harmony to defeat Discord. The Tree does not come into play here whatsoever. *Ding!* Also, I could do a bonus round with all the spelling and grammar mistakes, but I'd be here all day. So just add 20 sins to the counter—and I'm being generous. *Ding!x20*

"Yes. It turned out later that the Demon Lord Tso Lan has made an evil nightmare essence to help make me that way. Long story for that later," Luna said seriously.

Wait what? I don't remember that part of the Nightmare Moon story. *Ding!*

Gwen: A world full with nothing but nighttime? (Smirks) Good call, Luna.

Gwen's a goth, in case you weren't aware. *Ding!*

"After killing innocents and starting a nasty war that separated us from our friends the Mystic Ponies for years, I sadly was forced to use the Elements of Harmony to vanish my sister to the moon where she stayed." Celestia explains in sadness.

So what's the deal with these Mystic Ponies? How long have they been around? C'mon, don't leave the readersviewers out of the loop here. And no, I don't want to wait two years for the answer. *Ding!*

"All right, story time's over. Now it's time for our challenge, my vict...err, players! For this challenge, we are going to make our own Elements of Harmony, using this stuff." Chris said as he motions to a garbage truck driven by Chef who drove it backwards...then dump the stuff right into the clearing.

"Holy smokes!" Cameron exclaims in alarm . "This is too familiar."

"Glad you remember Cameron. Now then, we can't use the Elements to help out since the Mane Six has since returned them to the Tree of Harmony."

Oh, now the Tree of Harmony comes into play. It didn't in that backstory of yours. *Ding!* Also, where did Chef get that truck from? *Ding!*

Discord turns into a camera and made a picture, much to the others' confusion. The spirit change back to normal and shows pictures of the Elements, saying, "You got 20 seconds to memorize these."

Insert Jeopardy theme here. *Ding!*

B: Well, I will admit, it wasn't easy when we looked through the trash. But I do have an IQ of 200...

I know a mutant fox who's smarter than you. *Ding!*

Alejandro: If we can do this challenge now and be successful, maybe Heather can forget whoever her new boyfriend is and come to my arms... (Gives huge smirk)

Keep dreaming Al. *Ding!*

With the Pegasuses, as most of them were arguing, Izzy was doing something in the background with the trash she had.

"Hey guys?" Izzy said as she held up a piece. "What do you think?"

"Eh, fine. Whatever." All of them muttered, not even paying attention to Izzy as Izzy put in another piece.

You know this is supposed to be a team challenge, right Izzy? *Ding!*

"...Get off me." Luna frowned as Blaineley was hugging her again.

Are we going to deal with this all season? *Ding!*

The five went over to the Pegasuses' area as everyone paused, most of them realizing they spent their time arguing instead of making something... except for Izzy.

"And where are your elements?" Celestia asked.

"Ahem." Izzy coughed as everyone turned. On her hands were...EXACT replicas of the Elements of Harmony.

Did you go to the Tree of Harmony and steal the actual elements or something? There is no way someone would make such accurate replicas. Even if that someone is Izzy. *Ding!* Also, Izzy became anthro for a split second for the sake of the plot. *Ding!*

Izzy: Okay, say it with me! Izzy is crazy awesome! Add THAT to the TVTropes page of this story, if anybody makes one!

I assume JusSonic knows this exists then. *Ding!* Also, here you go. See you in six hours. *Ding!*

Noah: Sheesh, all this time we spent arguing, Izzy was the only one focused on the task.

And when Izzy is the one who is focused on the task, you know you're doing something wrong. *Ding!*

Lindsay: (now wearing the crown she made) I am LOVING this crown! I think I'm going to wear it for the remainder of this game! (Pause as she looked at the crown) What's this on my head? (Gasps) Am I a queen?

No, because Disney made kids think queens are evil. Which is why Celestia is a princess and Chrysalis is a queen. Lauren Faust herself wanted Celestia to be a queen, but Hasbro has the final say in the matter. Now you know where Cadance came from. *Ding!*

"These five places are the places you are going to be spending your nights. So, if you can kindly choose..."

"We want the Library." Noah said.

Alejandro frowned as he said, "Since when do you make decisions?"

Pretty sure Alejandro is the team leader, he has a point for once. *Ding!*

Celestia and Luna just looked at each other in concern as they started whispering to each other. They nodded, smiling. Chris noticed the smiles.

"You girls... don't happen to be planning something, do you?" Chris asked.

"Of course..." Celestia said as Blaineley came out of the confessional.

They're just planning the first elimination of the season. *Ding!*

Chef got an idea as he gasped. "My military badges! The ones in... Germany! I left them in my summer home!"

Celestia nodded as she turned to Blaineley. "Chef's badges, Blaineley, Chef's badges. He left them at home, and he doesn't know WHERE in Germany his summer home is..."

"Oh, that's terrible!" Blaineley gasped.

"That's why we're opening this portal back to home." Luna said. "We need you to go FIND those military badges in Germany... so... get in there!"

"Right," Blaineley said. "I'll be back before you know it!"

Blaineley then started running towards the portal as she called, "You are awesome, Celestia!"

"And don't come back until you find the badges!" Celestia said. As soon as Blaineley was out of sight, Celestia then motioned to Luna to close the portal right up.

Wow. I can't believe she fell for that. They probably could just tell her to just go find some wires, and she would still fall for that. And that would actually be somewhat believable in Equestria. Looks like Toilet's got some competition. *Ding!* Also, the author does not know how to fit Blaineley in the plot so he decides "fuck it" and kicks her out. I'll bet ten bits you haven't seen the last of her yet. *Ding!*

"Wow..." Gwen said. "You said this was non-elimination."

"It is." Celestia sighed, "Just...not the elimination of THAT type."

An elimination is still an elimination, I don't care how you do it. *Ding!*

"Wait!" Scott frowned. "Blaineley was on my team! We're down to nine now!"

"Yes, how are you going to work that?" Lindsay asked. "And how are we going to explain that Blaineley just disappeared?"

"Tell them that I offered her a job as a TV host." Chris said. "That should keep them quiet."

Because televisions are a thing that exist in Equestria apparently. *Ding!*

Pinkamena was watching the info on her little TV. She said, "Hmm, Blaineley wants to hug everypony; well, odds are, if that pony had stayed around, she might not want to hug me because I am not known, but I'd rather not be hugged by her. If she does, well, she will not feel her arms for a while."

Pinkamena is secretly a mass murderer. Which is to be expected of her. *Ding!* Also televisions exist in Equestria because it's convenient for the plot. *Ding!*

"Rule two, for your stallions, Twilight is mine. Hooves off," Ben snaps, giving a glare to Alejandro who looks nervous.

This means you, Alejandro. *Ding!*

"More major rules: Don't you do anything terrible to my daughter." Twilight said darkly as Nyx smiles. "Don't hurt her, don't throw her in the river, don't call her 'Nightmlare Moon' or 'Mary Sue', don't even threaten to kill her, and especially...don't do anything that will give me reasons to harm you."

Can I call your coltfriend a self-insert? Because I kinda did that last episode. *Ding!* Also Twilight knows what a Mary Sue is. *Ding!*

"What? Her; Come on, she looks like a Scrap..." Jo yelps as Twilight uses her magic to slam her into a wall.

"I am keeping an eye on you, Jo." Twilight said to Jo angrily.

I'll finish that one for you Jo. *Ding!*

Jo: Ugh, what's with Mommy Alicorn?! She's acts as if doing stuff to her daughter would set off a Berserk Button or something.

Sigh... this is something I was expecting from Izzy, not you. *Ding!*

"Question: what's with the 'Nightmlare Moon' or 'Mary-Sue' stuff?" Tyler asks puzzled. "Just curious."

"Because I could've sworn that Luna was once Nightmare Moon," Leshawna said, puzzled herself.

Pretty sure that has nothing to do with a Mary Sue. *Ding!*

"Hey, nice box," Sam exclaims, picking up a familiar box, "And with 6 keyholes!"

"Careful with that," Twilight exclaims, taking the box from Sam with her magic. "We found it after saving the Tree of Harmony. We are looking for the 6 keys which could unlock it."

Just to make sure you know where in the canon this story takes place. *Ding!*

Sam: Oh yeah! Noah choosing this place is an awesome idea! Yeah, I betcha my video game abilities could help me find those keys; Like in 'Legend of Zelda', where you must find seven triangle pieces to fight the final boss.

Be prepared to fight a power-hungry centaur for the final key. Oh wait, Tirek got wimpified in this universe. *Ding!*

Mike looks around, seeing a spool with rainbow like thread. He nods and smiles; Looks promising.

Just to make sure you know where in the canon this story takes place. *Ding!*

Sure enough, a while later, Duncan looks ticked as he finds himself in a nice suit, his hair is in a nice matter, his piercings from his ears are gone and he got makeup on his face.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAH!!!!! *Ding!*

Duncan: (groans) Ugh! Why wasn't I roasted in the sun? Why, oh why? I got a feeling that Chris set me up for blowing up his cottage back in All-Stars!

You need to kill somepony first, Duncan. Should be no problem for you. *Ding!* Also, yeah, Chris would hold a grudge for that long. *Ding!*

"Say, where's 'dat crazy Blaineley mare; She isn't still around, is she?" Apple Bloom ask, frightened that Blaineley is staying as well.

"Oh, Chris gave her a new job so she won't be staying around." Brick explains to Apple Bloom sternly.

That wasn't what Chris told you to say. *Ding!*

"Granny; we got some guests who are staying!" Applejack calls out to Granny Smith who is sleeping in a rocker up front, "Granny!"

"Huh, what? I'm coming, I'm coming." Granny mumbles as she got up, heading to the Earth ponies. "Just so you young'uns know, we run a tight ship around here. So you gotta to do some work."

"Yes, madam," Brick exclaims, giving a salute. "I will make sure this place is run like a military course!"

"Oh good grief," Eva remarked, rolling her eyes.

"No back talk, soldier!" Brick barks to Eva, making her annoyed.

"So a soldier type, eh?" Granny asks with a grin. She then grabs a helmet from out of nowhere, giving it to Brick. "Okay, until you leave, you're my special helper in keeping the recruits in line!"

"Thank you, ma'm!" Brick exclaimed.

"Ha! Lightning ain't no..." Lightning was interrupted as he was slapped on the head by a stick that Brick is holding with his teeth. "Ouch!"

"20 laps, soldier, move." Brick growls, forcing Lightning to start moving. "That goes for the rest of you!"

"Hey, I'm the capt..." Scott yelps as Brick almost hits him with the stick. The shark-fearing pony ran off, "I'm going, I'm going!"

Give Brick a rocket launcher and fifty hats and he'll be right at home in Team Fortress 2. Just don't tell him to rocket jump. That will end badly. *Ding!*

Sierra: I have seen every episode of Total Drama Island! Should I tell him that his original bunny got killed because Geoff accidentally let it get eaten by a snake which got grabbed by an eagle and was eaten by a shark?

Probably not Sierra. Just saying. *Ding!*

Sierra: And waste a good storyline?! What do you take me for; A nut?!

Okay, girl, you do you. I swear, sometimes she's a bigger nut than Chris. *Ding!*

"Awww, look, Cody! Two chipmunks," Sierra exclaims as she picks up two chipmunks. "I will call them Cody Three and Cody Four!"

"Seriously, Sierra," Cody asks Sierra in disbelief, "Seriously?"

Trust me Cody, you do not want to know who was Cody Two. *Ding!*

Dawn: Chipmunks are gentle but can be a bit crazy when being held.

Also they have really annoying voices. Still can't believe one of them sang Baby Got Back... *Ding!*

"No, please, stop hurting Mr. Chip!" Fluttershy pleads, trying to save the chipmunks from being harmed by Sierra.

Wait, is the other chipmunk named Dale? Seriously. *Ding!*

Pinkie: (frowns) Okay, I feel a bit offended. They choose Twilight's, Rarity's, Applejack's and Fluttershy's homes but not Sugarcube Corner or Rainbow Dash's place? What, am I not good enough for them?

Okay, first of all, only the pegasi and the alicorns could go to Rainbow Dash's place—and possibly the unicorns. Second, get that mare out of that confessional. *Ding!*

The big man watches Chris working on something, "Whatcha making there, Chris?"

"Oh, just a little robot. That way, if we decided to do challenges out of the Everfree Forest, this will be 'Chris' and I will control it from afar." Chris said with a pleased look.

That definitely won't come back to bite you in the butt later. *Ding!*

Celestia and Luna meanwhile are looking at the parafried Carol on a hospital bed. A doctor who was checking spoke, "I must confess, princess, I haven't seen anything like this. She looks dead but isn't. How could this have happened?"

"It involves a certain...individual from years ago. I thought he was gone forever." Celestia said seriously.

"Who is this individual, my sister?" Luna asks Celestia in concern, noticing the pale look on the Alicorn's face. "Is it someone I should know about?"

"We can only hope and pray that whoever did this doesn't find out the truth of the new ponies....or finds what he's looking for."

Don't dodge the question, Celestia. To your own sister, even. *Ding!*

Pinkamena somehow knew what's going on as well. She sat in her room, mumbling, "Hmm all that is happening might bring danger to our world and the enemies might plan something while this is happening so be on alert everypony." All nod as she says, "Please be careful Goldie, hope you are on alert."

Somewhere as Golden Heart heads to meet with the princesses, he heard her sister's worries and says in his mind, 'No worries, sister, I will never let my guard down so easy.' He heads off.

So what is the point of this again? *Ding!*

"Ugh, I feel like my back will break." Scott groans as he and his team along with Applejack goes into Sugarcube Corner. "But it will be worth it."

"Right; worth it; Who cares?" Eva grunts as he goes up to the counter, "Hey; what to eat in this dump?!"

"No worries. You are already ordered for." Mrs. Cake said to Eva with a smile as she motions to the other teams and the Mane Six, sitting in separate tables, "And paid for as well."

"Better not be the trash that Chef used to served!"

Chef: (annoyed) No respect, no respect at all! At least Owen treats my food with respect!

Then again, Owen will eat just about anything. You shouldn't feel so proud about that Chef. *Ding!*

"Yo, this cupcake is off the hook, eh!" Ezekiel exclaims, biting into his cupcake. "What's in it?"

"Pony parts," Pinkie exclaims. The others look disgusted and spit out their cupcakes in disgust, "Just kidding! Just the usual ingredients! I ain't a pony killer!"

Yeah, the pony killer in her is a separate entity now. *Ding!*

"Soooo...Mike. Nyx told me you had a certain...'problem' in the past?" Twilight ask Mike in concern.

Mike uneasily explains while glancing to some of the glaring campers from Seasons 4 and 5, "Well, I used to have MPD."

"MPD," Fluttershy ask puzzled.

"Multiple Personality Disorder," Cameron explains to Fluttershy clearly. "Sometimes he goes into different personalities depending on what happens. For example, when he gets frustrated, Mike becomes an old grumpy stallion named Chester. Whenever Mike is in a physically challenged setting, her name is used or the word 'Olympian' is mentioned, he becomes female gymnast Svetlana."

"A stallion becoming a mare," Applejack remarks with a chuckle. "How odd is 'dat?"

Twilight turned you into a stallion, shut up Applejack. *Ding!*

"Oh, Mike got one more personality: a dark one named Mal who once got imprisoned in juvenile hall. He was a dangerous inmate there." Duncan said to the Mane Six with a frown. "I know because I was once there myself."

"I thought I got rid of him after juvenile hall but during...an incident, I got hit in the head with a shovel and he came back!"

"I'm just conveniently leaving out what that incident was because I'm not really a pony and I come from a different world." *Ding!*

"Anyway, long story short..."

"Too late," Heather remarks in annoyed tone of voice.

Too long. Didn't care. *Ding!*

Twilight growls angrily as her horn glows. Ben gave an angry look. Pinkie said happily. "Uh oh, better run from the Angry Bear Parents!"

Wait, what is that a reference to again? *Ding!*

Unknown to everyone, Chase the Warrior AKA Shadow Dragon was watching from nearby. He notices the others watching, causing him to leave Sugarcube Corner. Lightning remarks, "Hey, who's the weird pony?"

"That's Chase the Warrior, a retired fighter." Rainbow explains to Lightning with a nod. "He was teaching Ben some tricks to help him use his weapons better. Of course, my cousin Brave Heart and Ben's pal Flash Sentry is wary of him."

Gee, that guy definitely won't become relevant to the plot again. *Ding!* Also, since when does Rainbow Dash have a cousin? *Ding!* Also, Flash Sentry. *Ding!*

Chase, upon going outside, heads into an alley, making a portal appears with Dark Curse appearing in it. His master asks, "Well?"

"Looks like the Apocalypse Ponies were right. Those new ponies may be humans transformed. Though the reason why escapes me." Chase/Shadow Dragon said to Dark Curse seriously.

"Bad guys know the truth" cliché. *Ding!*

Soon Noah opens the book, and it glowed with bright flashes of light.

"Woah, freaky light show," Tyler replied off in being surprised in seeing this little show of light.

"Enemy log, which entry would you want to observe?" The book spoke with a deep male voice in speaking towards the one who was using it.

I like to think that this voice is the Announcer from Portal 2. Not a sin, just thought I'd point it out.

"Oh-oh, how about the first enemy you guys ever fought?" Katie raised her hoof in wanting to know who the Mane Six first came across.

"That's exactly what I was thinking Katie! We're like, so connected." Sadie gasped to her friend to see that was the same thing she thought, as she & Katie hug the other.

"Acknowledged," The book responded in hearing the command before performing the duty,

Time for everyone to know how the United Pony of Goodness Universe deviates from Friendship is Magic canon. *Ding!*

Duncan: Gotta say, never saw a pony go all rogue like that from being jealous. But I suppose when you get angry, you feel the need to express your feelings. And hey, if she was not wanting to be all evil, but be bad. I could respect a princess like that. (Pause) But don't tell anyone I said that, or even Courtney, or Gwen...or Luna.

So can I tell Chris then? *Ding!*

"But she's back to normal, so there's no more Nightmare Moon, right?" Beth stated in knowing that the Luna they meant is good, not evil right?

"Um, yeah...let's go with that..." Nyx slowly spoke in feeling that all was well about the subject.

Just so we're clear, Past Sins is canon in this verse. All so JusSonic can add an OC to the verse that isn't even his. *Ding!*

"I kinda feel sorry for Luna, it's not easy when another side of you, an EVIL one, takes control and makes you do things without having control." Mike responded in feeling that the event was not all Luna's fault, she was played...just like him and Mal.

"And you know this how?" Phobos asked off with a raised eyebrow.

"He just does, trust us." Zoey spoke on Mike's defense than to talk about Mal to the others.

Did they not tell Phobos about Mal yet? *Ding!*

"Before Luna became Nightmare Moon, Discord was spreading chaos across Equestria. The Royal Sisters could not stop him, so they gain the elements to turn him to stone."

So where is the Tree of Harmony in this story? *Ding!*

"The evil queen and her minions can change into any pony, Chrysalis formed a plot to pretend to be Princess Candace to observe the love from Shining Armor enough to overpower Celestia and have her Changelings takes the love from all ponies to feed their hunger."

Excuse me, Grammar Nazi here, you misspelled Cadance's name. *Ding!*

"Izzy, if you were a Changeling, would you tell me?" He held Izzy's arms to ask in wondering the very question.

"Of course I tell you if I was a Changeling." Izzy happily responded out to say which left a lot of puzzled faces. "Or am I?" She then made a weird face in making the discussion even more confusing.

That's exactly what a changeling would say. *Ding!*

"So what other big time baddies we have left?" Jo asked off hasty in wanting some more answers to be done now.

"Acknowledge." The book responded in hearing the command before performing the duty.,"Fourth foe....Boris." It issued off in what was the fourth enemy the ponies fought.

Soon the group saw a magical image of what was a normal, but handsome looking unicorn stallion whose held a rifle in his hooves. Some of the new ponies seem to awe at this while the Mane Six gang new better.

Why is Boris holding the gun in his hooves? You'd think he'd be levitating it since he's an unicorn. *Ding!* Also, Boris is holding a gun. *Ding!*

"Boris the Red Devil, formerly known as the Hero of Canterlot; He and his minions Boxco & Dum-Dum were the big stallions in Canterlot with Boris being a huntsman with his rifle gun. He was trying to kill the arrival of a Demon Pony that spirited away a colt name Ben Mare while trying to win Twilight to be his with little success . But events played out differently before the Demon Pony was shown to be an innocent creature that was cursed and did not wish harm, but Boris wanted the beast killed. Under extreme measures, Boris performed a Forbidden Spell, Talent Swap, that swiped the wings & horns of horns to another, all to himself before performing the Devil's Red Sun that stole all of them to leave all as Earth Ponies. The action forever changed Boris into the Red Devil of today, and was close to defeating the Mane Six after stealing their special talents of magic and flying. Twilight was almost going to become the Devil's next target until the Demon Pony fought hard even with the enemy that shot him in the back to kill the Demon, but not without a final attempt to stopping Boris. The act of destroying the Devil's red Sun soon sent Boris into the Void where he was supposedly trapped while his two minions were banished from Canterlot." The book narrated the scenes that showed Boris & his stooges doing their actions of evil, even when Boris became a Red Devil to steal all the wings & horns before the Devil's Red Sun was destroyed, and he was sealed within the Void.

Somehow the plot summary on the TV Tropes page makes more sense than this one. And when TV Tropes is better than you at summarising your own story you know you're doing something wrong. *Ding!*

"So....what ever happened to the Demon Pony?" B asked off a question that they never got after the enemy was beaten.

"He's right here, I was once the Demon Pony, but thanks to Twilight's love, she saved my life." Ben spoke with a smile in stating in who he used to be, as he rested his chin to Twilight.

"Wait! YOU were the Demon Pony?" Cody yelped out to say in having a hard time believing it.

"OMG, but we thought it said you died!" Sierra gasped out in finding this to be the most shocking thing to see.

"Yes, but from Ben's gift, the Necklace of Eternal, it provided a miracle that saved him." Rarity explained with a smile in how the event played out for them.

So... Ben's immortal? But he's an Earth Pony. *Ding!* Also, Necklace-Ex-Machina. *Ding!*

"Wait, when it said fate between brothers, then that must be saying...." Harold stops everything in realizing a big picture that was clearly needing to be seen.

"Yeah, Lorcan was my older brother who was turned evil by our father. But by the end, he was turned back to good before he perished that day." Spike rubbed his shoulder in admitting that the enemy was an older brother that he never knew he had.

Lorcan is actually still alive, but you don't know that Spike. *Ding!*

"So where all of those that were killed, are they gone too," Dawn asked in being concern about those that were killed, Discord is around, so what of the other Brotherhood members?

"Nah, all of them escape, then some got arrested, then some pony named Trix Lulamoon broke them out of prison, and now they are hiding." Phobos shrugs off to say about what sorta things played out for them.

"But Trixie was giving a new chance when she tried to takeover with the Alicorn amulet." Spike stated in telling these ponies of something else that happened.

Oh right, that still needs to happen. *Ding!* Also, who is this Trix? She's not Trixie, right? *Ding!*

"So, what was the next baddy afterwards, eh?" He asked in what was the next foe the good ponies had to face next.

"Acknowledge." The book responded in hearing the command before performing the duty, "Sixth foe....Tirek." It issued off in what was the sixth enemy the ponies fought.

Now the scene shows an enemy that was suddenly reemerging from the darkness that stood up in a chariot and wielded a sack that let loose a terrible black pitch rainbow.

This is G1 Tirek, not G4 Tirek. Just so we are on the same page here. *rimshot* *Ding!*

"So...how many other evil villains are left? Who's next, book?" Owen asked off in who else was still left for them to see.

"Acknowledge." The book responded in hearing the command before performing the duty, "Eighth opponent...Sunset Shimmer." It issued off in what was the eighth enemy the ponies fought.

Now the scene shows in what looks like a unicorn mare before her appearance changes to a human form. This caught the Total Drama crew by surprise, but not as surprising as seeing a Demonic form of the girl that freaked them out.

"Former student of Celestia, escaped through a magic mirror that lead to another human base world version of Equestria. Sunset Shimmer's goal, to wear the Element of Magic to gain it's magic to plan to conquer Equestria with an army of teen zombies." The book narrated in what events took place when this enemy came into the picture with a plan to conquer Equestria.

Equestria Girls in a nutshell. And yes, that is canon in this verse. *Ding!* Also I'd do a bonus round with how many times JusSonic narrates the obvious, but I'd also be here all day. So just add 50 sins to the counter—and I'm being really generous. *Ding!x50*

Cameron: So if they learn we were humans, would we say we stubble from that world or say we came from that world after accidentally going there once? Man, so hard to know which is better to cover up our story.

Twilight's not gonna buy it. Trust me on that. *Ding!*

"During a moment when Sweet Apple Acres crops for growing were strangely unable to grow vegetation, Twilight Sparkle led a small rescue band to go to the End of Equestria to gather ingredients. But along the way, the dangerous of the Eight Immortal Demon Lords each sent forth their vicious Guardian Pets & Servants. The enemies were....Hsi Wu the Sky Demon, Xiao Fun the Wind Demon, Dai Gui the Earth Demon, Bai Tza the Water Demon, Tchange Zu the Thunder Demon, Po Kong the Mountain Demon, Shendu the Fire Demon, and Tso Lan the Moon Demon."

So where's the Ice Demon? And the Light Demon, the Dark Demon and the Poison Demon? *Ding!*

Heather: Between dealing with those evil monsters and Chris....I almost would welcome them than handle what Chris plans to torture us with next.

"Your villain is worse than our villain" cliché. *Ding!*

"So like, is that all of them?" Dakota asked off in wondering if they have finally seen all of the worst villains.

"Wait, there's another page." Mike spoke in about to turn the page for Noah...only it was glowing a strong purple magical glow. "Urrgh, what, it won't open? Book," Mike asked in demanding why the book of Enemy Guide wasn't letting them see what else was stored in it.

"Access denied; other data on unexplained foes & powerful enemies are still in process." The book reported out that there was still some foes unknown and are too much for those that don't wanna meet them...to know of them.

Five bits says that is Grimmore. *Ding!*

Pretty soon, mail time came in as Gwen, Alejandro, Scott and B got the letters.

"Dear everyone, come to the Everfree Forest, leave behind one unicorn, Pegasus and Alicorn, who will not be necessary for this next challenge." Gwen quickly read before the Mane 6 approached them.

"I'm sitting out here." Heather said as soon as Alejandro read the letter.

"You just want to get away from me!" Alejandro said.

"I have a boyfriend. Stop trying to get me back." Heather said.

"Yeah, let's all sit Heather out." Everyone came into agreement.

Alejandro's eyes widened as he said, "I can't believe you're doing this!"

"We are." Sam said. "You'll be okay on your own?"

"Fine," Heather nodded as she started to walk off. "I have... better things to do..."

Heather: All right, finally, I have my moment away from the others. Maybe I can finally relax... and do what I... usually do. (Shifts eyes)

*cough* Stuffed cat! *cough* *Ding!*

Scott: Those other doofuses are going down! Ha ha ha ha! And hopefully Fang isn't around to bite into me. (Pause) He isn't here, right?

Scott, this is Chris McLean we're talking about here. *Ding!*

"You'll pay for this!" Jo shouted in rage.

"Okay. Do you take cash or credit?" Luna asked with a smirk, making most of the players laugh at that joke.

That's the oldest joke in the book. C'mon Luna, I expected that from Orange. *Ding!*

"Okay, now that's done, time for the first elimination challenge. This will decide which teams will be getting invincibility and which one will be facing elimination." Chris said with a nod.

"Normally, this would've been a challenge where once 2 teams won, the last 2 teams gotta face elimination. But because of Blaineley's removal from the game, we will go for 1 for now." Discord said, juggling his eyeballs, making the females disturbed.

Because Blaineley was already eliminated earlier this episode. *Ding!*

Jo: I oughta feed that ugly little black horse to a shark, and then set that library tree on fire when this is over! If there's one thing that should be sent to Tartarus, it's that phony princess egghead and her retarded family!

You know Celestia can still hear you, right? *Ding!*

"Third, there's the Trees of Laughter, which, of course, involves a spooky forest which can be hard to get through." Celestia said, showing a bunch of spooky trees.

"Oh, and players; that part is in the dark." Chris remarks with a cruel smile as Discord made clouds appear over the trees part, covering it in darkness.

We're in the Everfree Forest right now, the whole place is always in the dark. This is just darker than usual. *Ding!*

"And then there's the River of Generosity." Chris said with a smile, nodding to a river where Steven Magnet is at. "Fill with sea serpents...and oh yes. We brought in an old friend to make it more entertaining."

A familiar shark peeks out, waving to the ponies sinisterly. The ones who knew him from Seasons 4 and 5 scream in terror, "AAAAHHH! IT'S FANG!!!"

Scott: (panicked) not that!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!

Karma's a bitch Scott! *Ding!*

Jo: I thought that thing is gone for good, or at least back on Earth! (Gasps, grins evilly) But then again, Fang could be helpful in getting rid of that Mary-Sue, once and for all.

You know Celestia can still hear you, right? *Ding!*

Chris: Yeah, I know, but I decided to freak the players out with a blast from the past. What can I say? I'm evil.

You said it, not me. *Ding!*

"Also, the player who messes up the most in this challenge will get the boot." Chris remarks sternly, making the players worried. He gave an evil smirk while holding up a dirty boot, "This boot to be precise. It's very dirty and you got to wear it all day."

To the worst player I bequeath... a boot to the head. *Bonk!* *Ding!*

The teams rush down the obstacle course. Lindsay giggles as she jumps towards one of the urchins, laughing, "I wanna touch it!" The new Earth pony lands on the urchin, but yelps as she got zapped, getting a nasty swell (a big bump on her hooves). "Ouch, okay, touching urchins; Big no no."

You were told twice not to touch those things. This is entirely your fault now. *Ding!*

"Trent, don't let go! Oh, what am I going to do?!" Gwen asks Trent with a look of fear and worry on her face.

Trent cringes a bit then realizes something. He calms down enough for him to say, "Let go."

"What?! Are you crazy?!"

"Look, I know I made some mistakes in the past, I know that. But please trust me. You will be safe if you let go. Please..."

Recycled dialogue. *Ding!*

The teams kept on going, but yelps as more urchins are fired at them...by Chef riding in a flying platform. Harold screams as one hit him on the arm, "Ouch; My arm!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell ya." Chris said as he spoke through a megaphone while riding on Luna's back. "Chef is going to do some firing; Silly me."

Typical of Chris to wait until after Chef starts firing to tell them that Chef will start firing. *Ding!*

"Give me that!" Jo scowls, seeing what happens. Justin grabs an Urchin with his tail (so it won't swell up) and gives it to Jo who quickly swats it right onto another Manticore. It roars in pain as the urchin hits it in the paw, causing it to run around like mad.

"That's dirty." Brick groans a bit at the foul play.

"That's Total Drama!" Scott remarks, laughing as he and his team rush past the Manticore who is hurting.

Roll credits. *Ding!*

"It's okay, big guy. Let me help...let me help..." Bridgette said gently. The Manticore hesitates and holds out the paw showing the urchin. With her magic, she pulls it out...causing the creature to roar.

"BRIDGETTE!!!" The last two teams scream in alarm . But to their surprise, Bridgette is laughing as the Manticore is licking her mane with his tongue.

"Ha ha ha; you are such a cutie; A little kitten!"

"'Little'," Duncan ask in disbelief upon hearing this.

The Manticore gratefully let Bridgette go as the last two teams goes onward. Gwen spoke to Bridgette with a smile, "Nice work, Bridgette."

"Thanks. I am a lover of animals. It just takes an act of Kindness." Bridgette said with a nod. Gwen grins as she and her team heads onward.

So Bridgette is supposed to be Fluttershy in this scene, right? *Ding!*

The trapped teams scream...when something happens. To the others' confusion, Izzy was laughing while making faces at a tree and making funny noises. Gwen looks confused. What is that crazy pony think she's doing?

"Izzy, are you crazy more so than usual?! Run!!" Gwen exclaims frantically to Izzy.

"Oh, everypony, don't you see?" Izzy asks her friends (and rival) happily. The other ponies look confused as she begins to sing.

Izzy: When I was back in Ponyville
And the sun was going down...

"Oh, tell me she's not." Duncan said in annoyance; another song sequence?

The darkness and the shadows,
They would always make me frown

"Yes, she is." Katie said to Duncan sheepishly.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll let 
			MythrilMoth help me with this one.


Celestia paused as she decided to summon a screen. Chris looked up as he asked, "What are you doing?"

"Well, it's going to take about two hours before they get close to the challenge, so let's see how everything is over at the sit outs for a little while..." Celestia said as she turned on the screen.

Why are they going to take two hours to finish? The Mane 6 did it the first time in like ten minutes or something. *Ding!*

Mike: (holds the Chris's head statue in question) The McLean Invincibility Statue! How come Chris never revealed that in the rules? (Pause) Maybe he and Celestia planned for it and kept it all a secret for everyone... maybe they hid it so that someone with a keen eye could find it... anyway, for those who don't know, the McClean Invincibility Statue prevents anybody from being voted out...

JusSonic spells McLean right this time. Yet, this is still considered a typo in this story. *Ding!* Also, JusSonic does an Ass Pull. *Ding!*

As Celestia and Chris watched, Celestia paused as she said, "I have to admit, I love the twist idea... the four Invincibility Statues and that... how did you manage to hide them ALL in their homes while they were sleeping?"

Chris paused.


Inside Twilight's library, everybody was sleeping as Discord entered through the window . Discord carefully tiptoed through the campers as he hid one of the Invincibility Statues on Twilight's shelf. Discord then went out the window as he chuckled.


"Discord has his ways..." Chris smiled.

Discord-Ex-Machina then. Gotcha. *Ding!*

"So long, suckers!" Alejandro shouted at the other teams loudly and rudely as he ran off with an evil laugh.

That's a sin just for the stock phrase. *Ding!* Also another sin for the evil laugh cliché. *Ding!*

"I know how to fix this mess!" Zoey exclaims as she quickly put her mane in Fang's mouth, "Fang. I need you to rip this out."

"Zoey, are you..." Duncan begins to say. The others gasp as Fang quickly yank hard, pulling most of Zoey's tail right off. "Whoa!"

"Thank you." Zoey said politely as she uses her magic to take the tail right out of Fang's out. She got to work on getting some special stuff that sticks from nearby, like Rarity did, and sticks her former tail onto where the other half of Steven Magnet's mustache was at. "There you go; good as new!"

"Why, thank you, thank you so much!" Steven exclaims happily, looking at himself in a mirror. "Granted, not my old orange color, but it helps."

"It fits you well, sir." Zoey said to Steven with a smile, "All right if you help us across?"

"Of course, go right ahead!" Steven exclaims, making his body appears as a bridge like he did for the Mane Six not too long ago. The last two teams quickly jump on it to get across.

"Zoey, your tail," Gwen said in concern to Zoey.

"Relax; it's a generous sacrifice to help a friend. Besides, it will grow back." Zoey said to Gwen with a smile.

So Zoey is supposed to be Rarity in this scene right? *Ding!*

Jo: If I wanna make it up to that mutant shark, I can give him something to eat. (Pause, then grins evilly) A certain Nightmary Sue that egghead calls her daughter!

Jeez, Jo really wants to kill Nyx all of a sudden.

...I don't mind. *Ding!*

As Courtney was looking around, she hears a voice, "Are you the most greatest player in this game?"

"Oh, who wants to know?" Courtney asks with a frown on her face. Who is messing with her now?

Suddenly, a group of familiar minions, the Shadowbolts, appears. The leader smiles as he said, "You must be the greatest. We are looking for someone who is best at what she does."

"Hmmm, well, I'm doing a bit great." Courtney said thoughtfully. "And the truth is, I got plans to deal with the ones who could cost me this game and I rather not lose again..."

"Good...we are looking for a player...we are...the team that comes in, doing some team participation." The leader said with a smile. "Say the word and we will make you the greatest and help you win!"

"Say, that sounds like a good offer." Courtney remarks with a smile. Maybe this could be her chance to win without going through a lot of trouble. "Let me get my team and..."

"Ah. This offer is for you, not for them! It's you or them." The Shadowbolts leader said sinisterly. Courtney looks stunned. These Pegasus like ponies want her to abandon her team? Well, some of them has hurt her and double-cross her before, "Choose!"

Wait, how is Courtney supposed to be Rainbow Dash in this scene? *Ding!*

Courtney: After that incident, I decided: I'm ditching my winners and runner-ups plan. I can't turn on Gwen now. I made a mistake of choosing money over friendship before. I am not going to let that happen again.

Oh. That's how. *Ding!*

"Actually, the race isn't over yet." Luna said with a smirk, much to the notice of the teams.

"Surprise; we added a surprise twist to this little game." Discord said, twisting himself around mischievously.

"Oh, yeah; like what?" Jo asked angrily in a rude tone.

Chef brought in a monitor as Chris explains, "We added a points system to this season. Your performance in this challenge will determine if you move up a rank or not."

Oh wait, so this is like BFDI. I assure you they're getting rid of the points before the end of the season. *Ding!*

"Okay, next image." Chris said, showing an image of Zoey giving up her tail to help Steven, "Nice; Zoey giving up her tail to help Steven Magnet there; an act of Generosity. Good job there."

The sin in this one is Steven Magnet. Still can't believe he got his name from a bad transcription. *Ding!*

"Also, let's say that the Ground Ponies will be heading to Canterlot...and I got a feeling that someone from that group will be gone by the time they get back." Alejandro said with a secret evil grin.

"Why's that?" Spike asks Alejandro curiously.

"Don't ask. It will make sense later on."

It's weird nopony is asking any questions about this. I mean seriously, if a whole bunch of people suddenly disappeared from around me I'd be filing missing person reports immediately. *Ding!*

"The team," Flash Sentry comments as he leads the team inside.

Flash Sentry. *Ding!*

"Okay. 1 more cupcake left; Scott; got to say, you lead your team badly and did some major damages." Chris said sternly to Scott who looks a bit worried, "Jo; harassing a little filly, getting on her parents and grandmother's bad side; not a cool idea."

"Normally we will eliminate you both but since we can only eliminate 1 player from this team and we did a elimination already, we must take out only one of you." Luna said sternly, making Scott and Jo frowns.

So you admit that was an elimination then. *Ding!*

"Fine! So how are ya going to send me off this time, McClean; Dock; Catapult; the big toilet?"

"Actually no; we got something even more fun for us called the 'Suck-O-Gone'." Chris said with a mischievous smile as Discord appears behind Jo. "My buddy Discord will demonstrate."

Discord smirks as he snaps his fingers, making a big black hole appear.

We interrupt Total Drama Equestria to bring you Inanimate Insanity II. *Ding!*

"I'll make YOU sleep in it when I get that black brat and make a barbecue out of her for that mutant shark!" Jo yelled in rage.

Celestia and Luna's magic then swirled on Jo... as she changed back to her human form. The Goddess of the Sun exclaims sternly, "You will never again harass my family!" The Alicorn fires a blast at Jo, sending her right into the black hole and out of sight.

The author doesn't know how to fit you into the plot, so get the fuck outta here! *Ding!*

"That really sucks." Discord laughs a bit as he made the black hole disappear.

That's not funny, Discord. *Ding!*

Also an extra sin for this being basically a carbon copy of S1E2 of Friendship is Magic. *Ding!*